Необычная аркадная игра, отдалённо напоминающая жанр "съешь всех".
Одноклеточный микроорганизм по имени Прото придумал амбициозный план - он намерен стать самым могущественным существом во вселенной. Для этого ему потребуется путешествовать внутри организмов животных и устанавливать контроль над их центральными нервными узлами... но на пути всегда будут мешаться другие амёбы и бактерии - подчинитесь желанию Прото и проведите его через этот нелёгкий путь!
The protozoa Proto has a ambitious goal - he want's to become the most powerful entity of the universe! To reach his target, Proto invades into animals, travels through their bodies and settles down on their central nerve cord, where he gains control over them. When he has control over them, he uses his victims to get to the next, more powerful animal - until he gains control over the most powerful entity within the universe ... a floating, black cat!
Obey Proto's will and help him to reach his goal!
Navigate Proto with forward and backward movement through the levels. Depending on your already gained skills, you can conquer your enemies differently - hide from them, trick them or play them off against one another, because aversions also exist among your enemies! Discover, who doesn't like whom and how you can take advantage of it ...
Game features:• Over 300 maps, seperated in 5 chapters
• Gain new skills through numerous evolutions
• Three levels of difficulty
• Stunning boss fights
• Hidden secrets and items to collect and explore
• Gain score points for beaten enemies and collected items and trade them for useful items
• A funny story about an evil little protozoa ...
System requirements:• Windows 2000/XP/Vista
• 500 MHz
• 256 MB RAM
Resolution: 800x600 Fullscreen/Windowed
Screenshots: #1 #2 #3